![]() July 18, 2002Mohomine Announces mohoBlog Extractor New Tool Mines All Blogs, Providing Detailed Demographic Information
to Businesses and Government
San Diego, CA /DenounceNewswire/ -- 18 July 2002 -- Mohomine, a leader in Unstructured Data Management Software (UDMS) technology, today announced the general availability of mohoBlog Extractor v1.0, a tool which scans every "blog" (short for "web log") on the World Wide Web and generates an updated-hourly database containing detailed political, consumer, religious, entertainment, technical, and psychological profiles on the millions of Internet users who create or participate in blogs. mohoBlog Extractor (mBE) is available in multiple formats:
"We are excited by the possibilities mohoBlog Extractor presents to us," said John Ashcroft, Attorney General of the United States. "Bloggers are a pesky bunch who we'll now be able to keep an eye on, thanks to Mohomine." mohoBlog Extractor is available for Microsoft Windows 2000 Server and can be licensed for use in applications for ASP solutions. Whitepapers and technical specifications are available but require top-secret clearance or a major undisclosed up-front fee. Pricing was not disclosed because if you have to ask, you obviously can't afford it. About Mohomine: Founded in 1999 with funding from the Central Intelligence Agency, Mohomine builds tools for spooks and then markets them under the delightfully jargonistic acronym UDMS, or Unstructured Data Management Software.
Posted by denounce on July 18, 2002 05:41 PM
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